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Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 45(2): e449, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093634


Introducción: La infertilidad ha aumentado a nivel mundial como consecuencia del incremento de las infecciones de transmisión sexual y la enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica producidas fundamentalmente por Chlamydia trachomatis. Objetivo: Describir la relación existente entre la Chlamydia trachomatis y sus daños y consecuencias en mujeres infértiles. Métodos: Se estudiaron 552 mujeres, con diagnóstico de infertilidad y se selecciona una muestra de 175, con diagnóstico de infección por Chlamydia trachomatis. Resultados: Las mujeres en el estudio tenían una escolaridad media superior. La mayoría de las mujeres a pesar de padecer una infección por Chlamydia trachomatis no presentaron daño a órganos reproductores; y en las que sí, predominó la obstrucción tubaria bilateral. En los casos en que se diagnosticó daño al cuello uterino predominó la cervicitis. Conclusiones: La mayoría de las mujeres infértiles con infección por Chlamydia trachomatis eran adultas jóvenes con nivel escolar medio superior, con una infertilidad secundaria y sin daños estructurales en las trompas de Falopio y el cérvix uterino. Existe relación entre la Chlamydia trachomatis y la afección a las trompas de Falopio y el cérvix uterino(AU)

Introduction: Infertility has increased worldwide because of the increase in sexually transmitted infections and pelvic inflammatory disease caused mainly by Chlamydia trachomatis. Objective: To describe the relationship between Chlamydia trachomatis and its damages and consequences in infertile women. Methods: We studied 552 women with a diagnosis of infertility and we selected a sample of 175, with diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Results: The women in the study had high school level. Most of them did not have reproductive organ damage despite suffering from Chlamydia trachomatis infection. However, those who did not have this damage had bilateral tubal obstruction. Cervicitis predominated in those cases in which damage to the cervix was diagnosed. Conclusions: Most of the infertile women with Chlamydia trachomatis infection were young adults with a high school level, suffering secondary infertility and with no structural damage to the fallopian tubes and uterine cervix. There is a relationship between Chlamydia trachomatis and the affection to the fallopian tubes and uterine cervix(AU)

Humans , Female , Chlamydia Infections/complications , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Infertility, Female/etiology , Infertility, Female/epidemiology
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 41: e18, 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-845710


RESUMEN Objetivo Estimar la capacidad predictiva de los determinantes próximos y el trabajo en la disminución de la fertilidad en mujeres peruanas en edad fértil. Métodos Análisis secundario de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar (ENDES) de 2014 de Perú. La muestra fue de 20 396 mujeres entre 15 y 49 años de edad con actividad sexual en las cuatro semanas previas a la entrevista realizada. La variable dependiente fue el número total de hijos nacidos vivos y las variables independientes principales incluidas, trabajo, número ideal de hijos, máximo nivel educativo alcanzado y quintiles de riqueza. Se calcularon odds ratios (OR) para estimar la fuerza de las asociaciones entre los determinantes próximos y la ocupación y la fertilidad mediante modelos de regresión logística. Se estimó la bondad de ajuste de los modelos con la prueba de Hosmer-Lemeshow y su capacidad discriminante, con curvas ROC. Resultados La fertilidad deseada (2,5 hijos por mujer) fue más alta que la real (2,1). Los principales factores asociados con la reducción de la fertilidad fueron el nivel educativo superior (OR = 0,03; IC95%: 0,02–0,04), el número ideal de hijos entre 0 y 2 (OR = 0,13; IC95%: 0,11–0,15), y el trabajo dependiente (OR = 0,31; IC95%: 0,28–0,34). El área bajo la curva de los modelos fue 0,908 (IC95%: 0,898–0,917) y 0,91 (IC95%:0,891–0,928), respectivamente. Conclusión La acción de los determinantes directos (edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales y del matrimonio) retrasa el comienzo de la maternidad, mientras que los determinantes indirectos (mayor nivel educativo y pertenencia al quintil superior de riqueza) suponen una mayor autonomía económica, que, a su vez, se asocia con niveles bajos de fertilidad. Asimismo, cuanto mayor es la dependencia en el trabajo, menor es la fertilidad de las mujeres encuestadas.

ABSTRACT Objective To estimate the predictive capacity of proximate determinants and type of employment with respect to reduced fertility in Peruvian women of childbearing age. Methods Secondary analysis of Peru’s Demographic and Family Health Survey (ENDES) for 2014. The sample consisted of 20 396 women aged 15 to 49 years who had been sexually active during the four-week period immediately before the interview. The dependent variable was the total number of live births, and the main independent variables were type of employment, ideal number of offspring, highest educational level attained, and wealth quintile. Odds ratios (OR) were used to estimate the strength of the associations between proximate determinants and type of employment on the one hand and fertility on the other in logistic regression models. The goodness of fit of the models was estimated using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test and its discriminatory capacity, based on receiver operating characteristic curves. Results Desired fertility (2.5 children per woman) was higher than actual fertility (2.1). The factors most strongly associated with reduced fertility were higher educational attainment (OR = 0.03; 95% CI: 0.02-0.04); ideal number of offspring between 0 and 2 (OR = 0.13; 95% CI: 0.11-0.15); and dependent employment (OR = 0.31; 95% CI: 0.28–0.34). The models’ areas under the curve were 0.908 (95% CI: 0.898-0.917) and 0.91 (95% CI: 0.891-0.928), respectively. Conclusion Older age at first sexual intercourse and older age when first married (direct determinants) delay childbearing, whereas higher educational level and belonging to the highest wealth quintile (indirect determinants) indicate greater economic autonomy, which, in turn, is associated with low fertility. Similarly, the more dependent the work, the lower the fertility of the women surveyed.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Employment/classification , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Peru
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 81(6): 465-472, dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844518


Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de istmocele como hallazgo incidental en pacientes con antecedente de cesárea y síntomas clínicos asociados. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, mediante muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, en pacientes con antecedente de cesárea, programadas para histeroscopia entre noviembre de 2014 y marzo de 2015, en el servicio de cirugía endoscópica ginecológica del Hospital San José de Bogotá, Colombia. Resultados: 42 pacientes fueron elegibles para el estudio por su antecedente de cesárea y todas fueron incluidas. La frecuencia de istmocele fue 83,3% en la histeroscopia, con similar localización en istmo y cérvix. La principal característica clínica presentada por las pacientes fue hemorragia uterina anormal (85,7%), mientras que la menos frecuente fue infertilidad (7,1%). En las pacientes con presencia de istmocele se observó una mayor prevalencia de dismenorrea (65,7% vs. 42,9%), antecedente de 2 o más cesáreas (60% vs. 42,9%) y cesárea de urgencia (54,3% vs. 28,6%) comparadas con el grupo de pacientes sin istmocele, en este último grupo se advirtió que el 100% de las pacientes no tenían antecedente de trabajo de parto previo. En mujeres con antecedente de cesárea y presencia de síntomas como sangrado uterino anormal, dismenorrea, dolor pélvico, infertilidad y dispareunia, la frecuencia de istmocele diagnosticado por histeroscopia fue mayor del 80%. Conclusión: El istmocele se debe a la cicatrización anómala uterina posterior a una cesárea, se requieren otros estudios para determinar no solo la prevalencia sino los factores protectores que reduzcan su incidencia para tener un impacto positivo en este tipo de pacientes.

Objective: To describe the prevalence of isthmocele as an incidental finding in patients with a history of cesarean section and associated clinical symptoms. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study using nonprobabilistic sampling for convenience in patients with a history of cesarean section, scheduled for hysteroscopy between November 2014 and March 2015, in the gynecological endoscopic surgery service of the Hospital San José de Bogotá, Colombia. Results: 42 patients were eligible for the study because of their previous cesarean section and all were included. The frequency of isthmocele was 83.3% in hysteroscopy, with similar localization in the isthmus and cervix. The main clinical characteristic presented by the patients was abnormal uterine bleeding (85.7%), while the less common was infertility (7.1%). A higher prevalence of dysmenorrhea (65.7% vs. 42.9%) was observed in patients with isthmocele, a history of 2 or more cesareans (60% vs. 42.9%) and an emergency cesarean section (54, 3% vs. 28.6%) compared to the group of patients without isthmocele, in the latter group it was noted that 100% of the patients had no previous history of labor. In women with a history of cesarean section and presence of symptoms such as abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, infertility and dyspareunia, the frequency of isthmocele diagnosed by hysteroscopy was greater than 80%. Conclusion: Isthmocele is due to abnormal uterine cicatrization after cesarean section, other studies are required to determine not only the prevalence but also the protective factors that reduce its incidence to have a positive impact on this kind of patients.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Cicatrix/diagnostic imaging , Cicatrix/epidemiology , Uterine Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Uterine Diseases/epidemiology , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Cicatrix/surgery , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hysteroscopy , Incidental Findings , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Prevalence , Ultrasonography , Uterine Diseases/surgery , Uterine Hemorrhage/epidemiology
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-785235


ABSTRACT Objective The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in infertile Iranian women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) using the ATPIII criteria. Subjects and methods In this cross-sectional study, 624 women with PCOS were enrolled at a tertiary referral center in Tehran, Iran, between April, 2012 and March, 2013. Diagnosis of MS was according to ATPIII criteria. Also, we divided PCOS patients into following two main groups: (i) with MS (n = 123) and (ii) without MS (n = 501), and then compared variables between two groups. Results The mean age, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference were 28.6 ± 4.3 years, 26.7 ± 3.7 kg/m2 and 85.2 ± 8.7 cm, respectively. The prevalence of MS was 19.7%. Our findings showed that age, BMI, waist circumference and all metabolic parameters were higher in PCOS women with MS than related values in those without MS. The most and least prevalent forms of MS were low level of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and hypertension, respectively. Conclusion It seems the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in our country isn’t as high as western countries. The prevalence rate of MS increased with age and BMI. One of the major cardiovascular risk factors, low level of HDL-C, is the most prevalent metabolic abnormality in our participants.

Humans , Female , Adult , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/epidemiology , Metabolic Syndrome/epidemiology , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/complications , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/diagnosis , Insulin Resistance , Body Mass Index , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Metabolic Syndrome/diagnosis , Waist Circumference , Infertility, Female/etiology , Iran/epidemiology , Cholesterol, HDL/blood
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 26(2): 108-123, mayo.-ago. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-749597


Introducción: La fertilización in vitro es la técnica de reproducción asistida de alta tecnología que con más frecuencia se emplea como tratamiento en pacientes infértiles. Objetivo: determinar los factores clínico-terapéuticos que influyen en el logro de embarazo clínico mediante la técnica de fertilización in vitro. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de cohorte longitudinal retrospectivo, en 654 parejas infértiles para precisar la influencia de algunos factores, como la edad materna, años de infertilidad, causa y tipo de infertilidad, número de folículos aspirados, grosor endometrial, estradiol sérico antes de la administración de gonadotropina coriónica humana, calidad del semen, valor basal de hormona folículo estimulante, esquema de tratamiento con análogos de hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas y las modificaciones a este, en el logro de embarazo por fertilización in vitro. Resultados: se obtuvo que el 25,10 por ciento de las pacientes incluidas quedaron embarazadas. Entre las pacientes que se embarazaron y las que no, hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto a la edad (p= 0,001), concentración de estradiol (p= 0,003), grosor endometrial (p= 0,001) y folículos aspirados (p= 0,045). La infertilidad secundaria incrementó la probabilidad de embarazarse en 15 por ciento, el semen óptimo en 47 por ciento y el esquema terapéutico con acetato de leuprorelina en 28 por ciento. En el análisis multivariado, las variables más relacionadas con el logro de embarazo fueron, el esquema terapéutico con acetato de leuprorelina (p= 0,001), el semen óptimo (p= 0,028) y el grosor endometrial (p= 0,036).Conclusiones: el esquema de tratamiento, la calidad del semen y el grosor endometrial, son factores independientes que influyen en que una paciente sometida a la técnica de fertilización in vitro se embarace(AU)

Introduction: In vitro fertilization is the high technology assisted reproduction method most commonly used in the treatment of infertile patients. Objective: determine the clinical and therapeutic factors influencing the achievement of pregnancy by in vitro fertilization.Methods: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study was conducted with 654 infertile couples to determine the influence of a number of factors upon the achievement of pregnancy by in vitro fertilization. The factors considered were maternal age, years of infertility, type of infertility and cause, number of aspirated follicles, endometrial thickness, serum estradiol before the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin, semen quality, basal follicle-stimulating hormone, and treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues and its modifications. Results: 25.10 percent of the patients included became pregnant. A statistically significant difference was found between patients becoming and not becoming pregnant as to age (p= 0.001), estradiol concentration (p= 0.003), endometrial thickness (p= 0.001) and aspirated follicles (p= 0.045). Secondary infertility increased the probability of becoming pregnant by 15 percent, optimal semen by 47 percent and treatment with leuprorelin acetate by 28 percent. The multivariate analysis variables most closely related to the achievement of pregnancy were treatment with leuprorelin acetate (p= 0.001), optimal semen (p= 0.028) and endometrial thickness (p= 0.036). Conclusions: treatment scheme, semen quality and endometrial thickness are independent factors influencing the achievement of pregnancy in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Reproductive Techniques , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Fertilization in Vitro/methods , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Longitudinal Studies
Reprod. clim ; 30(1): 5-10, 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-766825


Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e clínico de pacientes inférteis com endometriose. Métodos: Estudo transversal que avaliou 450 prontuários de mulheres que procuraram tratamentos de reprodução assistida entre outubro de 2006 e maio de 2012. Analisaram-se sintomas como dismenorreia, intensidade da dor, alterações intestinais e doenças associadas. O software estatístico usado foi o Stata 11.0.Resultados: A mediana de idade foi 34 anos. A dismenorreia acometeu 84,2% das pacientes, de intensidade grave em 40,4%. Alterações intestinais presentes em 54,4%. Dentre as doenças ginecológicas associadas, destaca-se mioma em 23,3%. Em relação às doenças em tratamento, destaca-se a metabólica (8,4%). Discussão: Sabe-se que a dismenorreia é o sintoma mais prevalente nas mulheres com endometriose, assim como alterações intestinais, presente em 6% a 30% das mulheres com a endometriose profunda. Justifica-se a relação com outras doenc¸as também estrogênio-dependentes, como miomas e pólipos, devido ao endométrio dessas mulheres ter aromatases p450 e cyp19, que gerariam ambiente hiperestrogênico. No grupo estudado de mulheres brasileiras, o perfil de idade compreende a quarta década de vida, com infertilidade predominantemente primária, significativa prevalência de dismenorreia grave e associação com pólipos e mioma.

Aims: To describe epidemiological and clinical aspects of infertile patients with endometriosis. Methods: Cross section study of 450 medical records of infertile patients with endometriosis from October, 2006 to May, 2012. Symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, pain intensity, intestinal disorders where analyzed, as well as, associated diseases and treatments. The statistical software used was Stata 11.0. Results: The median age was 34 years. 84.2% of patients presented dysmenorrhea and 40.4% had severe pain intensity. Intestinal disorders was found in 54.4%. From the associated gynecologic diseases, 23.3% had myoma. Metabolic disease was found in 8.4% among the diseases in treatment. Discussion: It is known that dysmenorrhea is the most prevalent symptom in women with endometriosis, as well as intestinal disorders, that can be found between 6% and 30% women with severe endometriosis. Other studies have demonstrated the relationship of estrogen-dependent disease and women with endometrial endometriosis with aromatase enzyme P450 CYP19 mutations; which generate a hyperestrogenic environment, contributing to the development of polyps and myomas. The profile of these patients was traced as being inthe fourth decade of life, with predominantly primary infertility with prevalent symptoms of severe dysmenorrhea and association with polyps and myomas.

Humans , Female , Dysmenorrhea/diagnosis , Dysmenorrhea/epidemiology , Endometriosis/diagnosis , Endometriosis/epidemiology , Infertility, Female/diagnosis , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Myoma/diagnosis , Myoma/epidemiology
Rev. ADM ; 71(1): 6-8, ene.-feb. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776085


La infertilidad se define como una condición en la que existe incapacidad de una pareja para concebir después de un año de mantener relaciones sexuales sin protección, o para llevar un embarazo a término con un producto vivo. Estudios recientes han demostrado una relación entre la enfermedad periodontal y múltiples condiciones adversas durante el embarazo, incluyendo el parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer, restricción del crecimiento fetal, preeclampsia y mortalidad perinatal. Sin embargo, poco se ha estudiado sobre el periodo previo a la concepción, a pesar de que algunos autores han sugerido poco beneficio del tratamiento periodontal durante el embarazo, y esto pudiera ser un indicador de que la intervención está siendo llevada a cabo de forma tardía.Las hipótesis que sugieren los autores acerca de esta relación es que en presencia de una enfermedad periodontal severa, los microorganismos orales se pueden diseminar vía hematológica y llegar a afectar las membranas, impidiendo la implantación, o que, incluso, pueden contaminar el semen, provocando infertilidad; o bien, que la enfermedad periodontal pudiera ser un indicador de hiperrespuesta inflamatoria sistémica ante infecciones a distancia.

Infertility is defined as a condition in which a couple has been unable to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse or the inability to carry a pregnancy through to a live birth. Recent studies have shown a relationship between periodontal disease and a range of adverse conditions during pregnancy, including preterm birth, low birth weight, restricted fetal growth, preeclampsia, and perinatal mortality. However, little research has been done into the period prior to conception, despite the fact that some authors have suggested that periodontal treatment during pregnancy is of little benefit, which could indicate that the in-tervention is being carried out too late in the process. The hypothesis that such authors suggest in regard to this relationship is that, in cases where there is severe periodontal disease, oral microorganisms can disseminate via the bloodstream and harm membranes, thus impeding implantation and, in the case of males, even contaminate semen, result-ing in infertility. Furthermore, it has been suggested that periodontal disease is an indicator of a systemic inflammatory hyper-response to remote infections.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Periodontal Diseases/complications , Infertility, Female/etiology , Infertility, Male/etiology , Risk Factors , Periodontal Diseases/microbiology , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Infertility, Male/epidemiology
IJRM-Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 2014; 12 (3): 189-198
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-157699


Infertility as the bitterest life experience can affect sexual function. Many studies have shown agitation, depression, marital dissatisfaction, and sexual dysfunction as the psychological outcomes resulting from infertility. Many factors, including body mass index, influence the female sexual function. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of female sexual dysfunction and the relationship between sexual function and body mass index in the Iranian infertile women who had attended the infertility clinic. This cross sectional study was conducted on 502 infertile women who had attended Honoree clinic, Jahrom in Iran between April 2012 and December 2012. The infertile cases were classified into three groups according to the body mass index: 20-24.9 [Group I], 25-29.9 [Group II], and >29.9 and above [Group III]. In addition, Female sexual function index [FSFI] questionnaire was used in order to assess the sexual problems. Finally, the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA and Student's t-test. The mean age of women was 30.95 +/- 6.80 years. The results showed that 430 subjects [87.1%] had sexual dysfunction. Furthermore, the rate of sexual dysfunction among the infertile women was reported as 23.30%, 31.47%, and 45.23% in groups I, II, and III, respectively. Considering body mass index, FSFI score was 21.65 +/- 1.70 in the women with normal weight, 18.08 +/- 1.52 in overweight women, and 12.21 +/- 3.62 in obese women and the difference was statistically significant [p<0.001]. The prevalence of sexual dysfunction was quite high in infertile women, which might be due to the lack of knowledge about marital issues and lack of training in the society. If body mass index is too high, it can have a great effect on fertility. In this study, being overweight and obese based on body mass index had a negative effect on the infertile woman's sexual function

Humans , Female , Body Mass Index , Infertility, Female/etiology , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Overweight/complications , Cross-Sectional Studies , Life Change Events , Surveys and Questionnaires , Analysis of Variance
Kisangani méd. (En ligne) ; 5(1): 31-43, 2014.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264647


Objectif : Une etude visant a degager le profil epidemiologique; clinique et etiologique de l'infertilite chez la femme a ete menee a Goma/RDC et ses environs; de janvier 2006 a decembre 2008.Methodologie : il s'agit d'une etude cas-temoins comparant les femmes consultant pour infertilite et les femmes fertiles (gestantes); au regard des parametres sociodemographiques; medicaux; sexuels; gynecoobstetricaux; chirurgicaux; et cliniques. Les patientes infertiles ont beneficie; en plus de l'examen gynecologique approfondi; d'une exploration systematique par l'HSG; les dosages hormonaux; l'echographie endovaginale et pelvienne. Le chi carre de Pearson ou le test de rapport de vraisemblance; et le test t de Student ont ete mis a profit pour l'analyse statistique des donnees.); de loin le plus preponderant; etait suivi par des troubles ovulatoires (41;0); les facteurs uterin et cervicovaginal etaient relativement moins frequents. L'etiologie etait multifactorielle dans 38;1 des cas. La preponderance du facteur tuboovarien suggere une grande implication des infections genitales dans la survenue de l'infertilite feminine a Goma. Resultats : 105 femmes infertiles et 108 gestantes ont ete examinees en series continues. Les patientes fertiles sont significativement plus jeunes que les patients infertiles (p=0;001). Bien que l'age au debut de l'activite sexuelle ne soit pas different entre les patientes et les gestantes (p=0;67); les patientes infertiles etaient caracterisees par une plus grande mobilite conjugale (p=0;015) et sexuelle (p=0;001); une plus grande frequence des antecedents d'infections genitales (p=0;00) et des interventions chirurgicales pelviennes; et par des symptomes suggestifs des sequelles d'infections genitales. Les facteurs etiologiques suivants ont ete identifies : le facteur tubopelvien (67;6

Democratic Republic of the Congo , Infertility, Female/diagnosis , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Rubber
Indian J Hum Genet ; 2013 July-Sept ;19 (3): 315-319
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156583


BACKGROUND: In order to understand how selection is operating in the Gowda population, the index of opportunity for selection was calculated and the present findings were compared with some related findings from other South Indian (SI) populations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Crow (1958) and the modified method by Johnston and Kensinger (1971) were used for the present purpose. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The index of total selection intensity (I) was found to be moderate taking into consideration the range for many Indian populations. Considering certain differences in fertility and mortality heritable, it appears that natural selection play an important role in shaping the genetic constitution of the Gowda population. Analysis of data indicates that the index due to fertility seems to contribute more towards selection than mortality. This trend might be because of better living condition and health-care system among the Gowdas which have a positive impact on the lower contribution of mortality for the evolution mechanism of the Gowda population through natural selection.

Adult , Female , Humans , India , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Infertility, Female/genetics , Infertility, Female/mortality , Population Groups/epidemiology , Population Groups/genetics , Rural Health , Selection, Genetic/genetics
Journal of Reproduction and Infertility. 2013; 14 (1): 3-7
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-130115


Apparent rise in the incidence of infertility in females and the trend shifting towards delayed child bearing brought up the concept of ovarian ageing. Women in their early thirties show poor ovarian reserve which is an entity named as early ovarian ageing. Early ovarian ageing is mostly genetically determined, but acquired modifiable factors like smoking, or ovarian surgery have some roles. Infertility and subfertility are the only clinical recognizable sequelae in the early ovarian ageing. The worrisome fact is that the outcome of assisted reproductive techniques is also not that much encouraging. Even if ovarian priming with DHEA has raised hope in the assisted reproductive techniques for these patients, but more randomized trials are needed to support this. Screening of these women with antimullerian hormone, antral follicle count and genetic analysis may be useful for recommendation at appropriate biological time regarding conception or fertility preservation

Humans , Female , Aging , Women's Health , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted
West Indian med. j ; 61(7): 716-725, Oct. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-672990


OBJECTIVE: It has been a long held belief that increased contraceptive use is primarily responsible for lowered fertility in Jamaica since the 1970s. However, historically, subfecundity has played a major role in suppressing fertility rates. In order to reveal the prevalence and trend in fertility impairment, a study was conducted using data from the 1989, 1993, 1997 and 2002 reproductive health surveys. METHODS: Bivariate analysis was used to highlight women's lack of childbearing in the five-year period prior to the survey, and the reasons they provide for their inability to become pregnant. Using the impairment typology of Chandra and Stephen (1998), cross-tabulations were used to present the sociodemographic background of women determined to experience fertility impairment. RESULTS: The data reveal that 28 per cent of sexually experienced women aged 15-49 years in 1989 and 31 per cent in 2002 reported some form of fecundity impairment. Impairment is largely due to sub-fecundity resulting from miscarriage or abortion, rather than failure to conceive. Women with impairment were predominantly found in married and common-law unions, were mothers, were 30 years or older, had experienced fetal loss, were working, and did not want an additional child. CONCLUSION: As childbearing and increasing age raise the prevalence of impairment, many women are unlikely to meet their family building goals. We therefore recommend that health screening for conditions related to infertility be introduced.

OBJETIVO: Por mucho tiempo se ha creído que el aumento en el uso de anticonceptivos es el principal responsable de la disminución de la fertilidad en Jamaica a partir de la década del 70. Sin embargo, históricamente, la subfecundidad ha jugado un papel fundamental en suprimir las tasas de fertilidad. Con el fin de mostrar la prevalencia y la tendencia en la alteración de la fertilidad, se realizó un estudio usando datos de encuestas sobre salud reproductiva, realizados en 1989, 1993, 1997 y 2002. MÉTODOS: El análisis bivariado se usó para resaltar la falta de embarazos en las mujeres en el periodo de cinco años previo a la encuesta, y las razones que ellas aducen con respecto a su incapacidad para salir embarazadas. Tomando por base la tipología de las alteraciones de Chandra y Stephen (1998), se usaron tabulaciones transversales para presentar el marco sociodemográfico de las mujeres que enfrentaban alteraciones de la fertilidad. RESULTADOS: Los datos revelan que el 28 por ciento de las mujeres con experiencias sexuales y edades de 5 a 49 años, en 1989, y 31 por ciento en 2002 reportaron alguna forma de alteración de la fecundidad. En gran medida, las alteraciones se deben a la subfecundidad producida como consecuencia de abortos espontáneos o provocados, más bien que a no poder concebir. Las mujeres con alteraciones de la fertilidad eran predominantemente casadas o vivían en unión consensual; eran madres; tenían 30 años de edad, o más; habían experimentado la pérdida de un feto; estaban trabajando, y no querían tener otro hijo. CONCLUSIÓN: A medida que los embarazos y la edad aumentan la prevalencia de la alteración de la fertilidad, muchas mujeres presentan una menor probabilidad de alcanzar sus metas de constituir una familia. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que se introduzcan tamizajes de las condiciones de salud en relación con la infertilidad.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Abortion, Induced/statistics & numerical data , Abortion, Spontaneous/epidemiology , Contraception Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Health Surveys , Infertility/epidemiology , Jamaica/epidemiology , Marital Status , Parity , Pregnancy Outcome/epidemiology , Sterilization, Reproductive/statistics & numerical data
Femina ; 39(11)nov. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-641401


Doença celíaca ou enteropatia por sensibilidade ao glúten é uma doença crônica condicionada pelo desenvolvimento de uma hipersensibilidade ao glúten. É associada a uma ampla gama de manifestações clínicas existindo, simultaneamente, má digestão e um déficit na absorção de muitos nutrientes e vitaminas. Diversos estudos têm mostrado, também, uma maior prevalência desta com quadros de infertilidade, aparentemente sem uma causa definida. Este é o motivo da presente revisão.

Celiac disease or gluten-sensitive enteropathy is a chronic illness characterized by the development of hypersensitivity to gluten. It is associated with a vast array of clinical manifestations, such as the occurrence of digestive problems and poor absorption of nutrients and vitamins. Several studies have also linked it to cases of infertility, apparently, without a known cause. This link is the motivation of the following review.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Diet, Gluten-Free , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Celiac Disease/diet therapy , Celiac Disease/epidemiology , Infertility, Female/diagnosis , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Malabsorption Syndromes/etiology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-136341


Background & objectives: There are sparse data on the prevalence of primary infertility in India and almost none from Southern India. This study describes the correlates and prevalence of primary infertility among young women in Mysore, India. Methods: The baseline data were collected between November 2005 through March 2006, among 897 sexually active women, aged 15-30 yr, for a study investigating the relationship of bacterial vaginosis and acquisition of herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) infection. A secondary data analysis of the baseline data was undertaken. Primary infertility was defined as having been married for longer than two years, not using contraception and without a child. Logistic regression was used to examine factors associated with primary infertility. Results: The mean age of the women was 25.9 yr (range: 16-30 yr) and the prevalence of primary infertility was 12.6 per cent [95% Confidence Interval (CI): 10.5-15.0%]. The main factor associated with primary infertility was HSV-2 seropositivity (adjusted odds ratio: 3.41; CI: 1.86, 6.26). Interpretation & conclusions: The estimated prevalence of primary infertility among women in the study was within the range reported by the WHO and similar to other estimates from India. Further research is needed to examine the role of HSV-2 in primary infertility.

Adolescent , Adult , Antibodies/analysis , Female , Herpesvirus 2, Human/isolation & purification , Humans , Immunoglobulin G/analysis , India/epidemiology , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Unsafe Sex/statistics & numerical data , Young Adult
Rev. salud pública ; 13(2): 239-252, abr. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-602871


Objectivos Conhecer as representações de mulheres pobres e não pobres relativamente à fecundidade verificando de que forma influenciam a utilização de cuidados de saúde reprodutiva (saúde materna e planeamento familiar). E as representações dos profissionais de saúde sobre comportamentos de fecundidade e forma de utilização de cuidados de saúde reprodutiva dessas mulheres. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, tendo sido efectuadas oito entrevistas e dois grupos focais a mulheres provenientes de diferentes contextos socioeconómicos, num total de dezoito indivíduos. E dois grupos focais a profissionais de saúde (enfermeiros e médicos), num total de quinze participantes. Foi efectuada análise de conteúdo, tendo-se procedido a uma análise categorial temática. Resultados Encontramos semelhanças entre as mulheres provenientes de diferentes gradientes sociais, mas também diferenças acerca do papel do parceiro masculino no planeamento familiar e das gravidezes. Os profissionais de saúde atribuem ao "pobre" uma característica-tipo: o imediatismo, que condiciona a actuação dos indivíduos "pobres" nas práticas de planeamento familiar e nas formas de utilização da saúde materna. Conclusão A análise reflecte a existência de representações nem sempre coincidentes entre mulheres e profissionais de saúde, no que diz respeito à fecundidade e às necessidades e formas de utilização dos cuidados de saúde reprodutiva. é importante os decisores terem estes factos em atenção para adequar as políticas de saúde às expectativas e percepções de necessidade por parte das populações vulneráveis, procurando uma utilização adequada de cuidados de saúde reprodutiva e promover a equidade em saúde.

Objective Ascertaining poor and not poor women's representations about fecundity and verifying how this affectedreproductive health care use (maternal health care and family planning), as well ashealthcare professionals'representationsabout "poor" womenfecundity patternsand reproductive healthcare use. Methods A qualitative study was carried out through interviews and focus groups. Specifically, eight interviews were held and two focus groups were run, giving a total of eighteen women from various socioeconomic backgrounds (living in poverty and not living in poverty). Both focus groups were run with healthcare professionals (nurses and doctors), giving a total of fifteen participants. Data was analysed by using content analysis identifying significant themes. Results Similarities were found between women from different social backgrounds, although some differences were also found, particularly about male partners'rolein family planning and planning pregnancies. Health professionals' attributedstandard featuresto "poor" individuals,i.e. immediacy, conditioning family planning practice and maternal health care use patterns. Conclusions The women and health professionals' representationsregarding fecundity, needs and ways of using reproductive health care (maternal health care and family planning) did not always coincide. Decision-makers'importance in realizing this fact must be emphasizedso that healthcare policies can be adaptedto vulnerable populations'texpectations and perceptions of need, thereby leading to the suitable use of reproductive healthcare and ultimately promoting equity in health.

Objetivo Conocer las representaciones de las mujeres pobres y no pobres sobre la fecundidad y examinar cómo estas afectan la atención en salud reproductiva (salud materna y planificación familiar). Y las representaciones de los profesionales de la salud sobre las conductas de fecundidad y la atención en salud reproductiva de las mujeres. Métodos Estudio cualitativo, por medio de ocho entrevistas y dos grupos focales de mujeres provenientes de diferentes contextos socioeconómicos, con un total de 18 personas. Se realizaron 2 grupos focales con profesionales de la salud (enfermeras y médicos), con un total de 15 participantes. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido por medio de categorã-as temáticas. Resultado Se encontraron similitudes entre mujeres de diferentes gradientes sociales, aunque hubo diferencias particularmente en el papel de los compaã±eros hombres en la planificación familiar y de los embarazos. Los profesionales de la salud atribuyen a la pobreza una caracterã-stica-tipo: el inmediatismo que condiciona la actuación de los individuos "pobres" en la práctica de la planificación familiar y en las formas de utilización de la atención materna. Conclusión Las representaciones de las mujeres y de los profesionales de la salud sobre la fecundidad, las necesidades y formas de utilización de la atención en salud reporductiva, no siempre coinciden. Los tomadores de decisiones deben considerar estos hechos con el fin de adaptar las polã-ticas de salud a las expectativas y percepciones de necesidades por parte de de las poblaciones vulnerables, procurando la utilización adecuada de la atención en salud reproductiva y promover la equidad en salud.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Reproductive Health Services , Women/psychology , Contraception Behavior , Family Planning Services , Family Relations , Focus Groups , Health Services Needs and Demand , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Infertility, Female/psychology , Maternal Health Services , Portugal , Poverty , Socioeconomic Factors
Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. 2011; 13 (1): 88-93
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-130047


Anesthetic agents effect on pregnancy in operating room personnel is a challenge in anesthesiology. This study was carried out to determined pregnancy complications among hospital operating room personals in Fars province-Iran. In this case-control study, 122 women working in operating rooms of governmental Fars province hospitals during their pregnancies with different jobs considered as case group. 122 women working in internal and pediatric wards considered as control group. The history of pregnancy complications including infertility, abortion, preterm labor, fetal death, neonatal death and low birth weight obtained using questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS-15 software and Chi-Square test. The incidence of abortion was 19.8% and 16% in case and control group respectively, this difference was not statistically significant. Infertility was significantly higher [8.2% versus 2.5%] in case group than control group [P<0.05]. No significant differences in incidence of preterm labor, fetal death, neonatal death and low birth weight were seen between two groups. This study showed that the incidence of pregnancy complications is similar between women working in operating room and those working in other hospital wards but the prevalence of infertility is higher in operating room personnel than those of other wards

Humans , Female , Operating Rooms , Abortion, Spontaneous/epidemiology , Fetal Death/epidemiology , Obstetric Labor, Premature/epidemiology , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Case-Control Studies
Medical Forum Monthly. 2011; 22 (5): 8-11
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-131184


To ascertain the frequency of primary infertility in women suffering from fibroid uterus. Observational analytical study of cohort type. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bolan Medical complex Hospital, Quetta, from April 2009 to March 2010. This prospective study was conducted in department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Quetta from April 2009 to March 2010. One hundred patients with fibroid uterus were studied. The age ranges from 20- 50 years. Detailed history were taken. In each patient thorough systemic examination was performed and patient with finding of medical disorder were excluded. All analysis and computation including data base were done by SPSS 10. During the study period, a total of one hundred women presented with fibroid uterus were observed. All the cases were within reproductive age group ranging from 20-50 years of age. Out of them 60% were between 20-30 years, 29% between 31-40 years and 11% belongs to 41-50 years of age. Considering the symptoms, infertility was 14%. According the number of fibroids, in 72% of cases there were multiple fibroids. Single uterine fibroid was seen in 28% of cases. Fibroid is relatively common in the patients in reproductive age and is exclusively responsible for infertility in 10% of cases. This study helps in establishing the relationship between fibroid uterus and primary infertility and by early detection with treatment, reducing the frequency of infertility in women having fibroid uterus

Humans , Female , Uterine Neoplasms , Infertility, Female/etiology , Infertility, Female/epidemiology , Prospective Studies